@extends('layouts/layoutMaster') @section('title', 'Checkout - Wizard Examples') @section('vendor-style') @endsection @section('vendor-script') @endsection @section('page-style') @endsection @section('page-script') @endsection @section('content')
Google - Google Home - White
Apple iPhone 11 (64GB, Black)
Select your preferable address
Choose Delivery Speed
18th Nov 2021
20th Nov 2021
Cash on Delivery is a type of payment method where the recipient make payment for the order at the time of delivery rather than in advance.
Your order #1536548131 has been placed!
We sent an email to john.doe@example.com with your order confirmation and receipt. If the email hasn't arrived within two minutes, please check your spam folder to see if the email was routed there.
Time placed: 25/05/2020 13:35pm
Preferred Method: